the book

India Wakes; Post Coronavirus New World Order


the story

I am happy to share the arrival of my new book, “India Wakes,” that I have co-authored with Mr. Bart Fisher. The idea of this book originated when Mr. Fisher visited me on August 27, 2019. He is elder to me (b. 1942), educated in Law from Harvard, a Ph.D. from Johns Hopkins and is practicing International Law with his office in Washington D.C. The question he raised was, “Can the imminent U.S.-China decoupling be a corollary to a possible U.S.-India alliance?” I felt that the answer was not only “yes” but even “why not.” And then came the coronavirus pandemic and what we were writing could and perhaps had turned definitive and fait accompli

I have used a large canvas for this book to share the story of India, starting with our Independence. The horrors of the Partition, that was such a botched affair unparalleled in modern history, remain alive and we have a permanent enemy since then. The rise of China due to the greed of American businesspeople who, in their pursuit of big profits, converted China into the “factory of the world” and harmed their own nation in multiple ways is explained in great detail. And when we were writing the final pages, the Galwan Valley incident happened in Ladakh exposing China’s predatory policy towards India. By all means, I feel that I have been chosen as a medium for this book being written. 

The message the book conveys is that those nations where both people and their leaders do not take right decisions in time, do a big disservice to their future generations. India can’t afford to be a mere bystander of what is happening in the world. The New World Order will be decided by the New India. The best scenario is that of India in the balancing role, averting an impeding Cold War between the U.S. and China. Anything else, if it happens, must not be at India’s cost and our enemies must suffer the collateral damage of their ill-fated belligerence and be punished for their evil intent. 

Historians may conclude that 2020 marked the end of the post-World War II era. This majestic work analyzes the post coronavirus world order and India’s role in it. Will India pursue a regional strategy that can contain a resurgent China? What are the regional and global implications of India’s turn to greater nationalism under the BJP? Has the United States lost its place as the indispensable superpower? What new trade alliances and trade patterns may arise? These issues and more are addressed by authors, who possess extraordinary credentials as students of these troubled times. I recommend this book highly, the first major study to consider the fate of the triad—India, China, and the United States—in the post coronavirus new world order.”


– Stuart S. Malawer

 J.D., Ph.D., Distinguished Service Professor of Law and International Trade at George Mason University. Delegate on various Virginia gubernatorial trade delegations to India

“India wakes in a world that is emerging from the Covid-19 pandemic. The authors demonstrate how this disaster has accelerated trends already under way, including de-globalization, the rise of populist authoritarian leaders, and intensifying rivalry between China and the United States. They argue that India should take advantage of the opportunity that U.S. decoupling from China will provide, including supply chain movement away from China and into India. This sweeping, clearly written, and riveting magisterial study of India’s role in the new world order is a must-read for students of the relationship between the triad: India, China, and the United States.”


 – Richard W. Rahn

Ph.D., honorary Doctor of Laws, American economist, columnist, and entrepreneur. Current Chairman of Improbable Success Productions and the Institute for Global Economic Growth.


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